Active Skills
Passive Skills

The Perfect Empress

Storm Storm




Sword Sword

+1 Revolution! 70 TUALL

50% damage to all enemies, 200% damage if user has survived on the battlefield for 200TU or more. Allies gain 1 Spirit for each enemy hit at 50+ TU in the turn order, or 2 Spirit for each at 100+ TU. This attack ignores any effects of non-boss enemies that would prevent the targets from being defeated, the Counter Stance Status Effect, and the effects of Skin passive skills.

-2 Stun Cannon 50 TU

Targets 2 random enemies, they are each randomly granted either Stun for 50TU, 100TU, or 200TU. The user is granted 1 Charge. This skill is locked until the end of the user's next turn after each use. Certain skills are affected by and may consume charges. A unit can store a maximum of 3 charges, and all charges are removed from a unit that leaves the battlefield.

-1 Time Shockwave 100 TUTWO

100% damage to 2 enemies. 400% damage if the target has 50TU or more. 600% damage if the target has 100TU or more. 800% damage if the target has 150TU or more. For each target hit but not defeated by this attack, Stun 1 random enemy that was not hit by this attack for 100TU.

-1 Glorious Cannon 1 TU

400% damage to 1 enemy, plus 100% per Awakening the user has (800% max). This attack ignores damage reduction effects. Usable only if the user has stored 3 Charges. This skill becomes locked for 75TU after use.

Flanking Maneuver

This unit has 80% damage reduction from attacks if this unit has no Charges and is not alone on the battlefield. This unit will gain a Charge and be healed for 30% of its max HP each time another ally gets the turn. Each time a Storm ally (including this unit) gets the turn, they will heal for 30% of their max HP. If this unit would be defeated while it has any charges, this unit will consume 1 charge to survive with 1HP remaining instead. Each time this unit takes damage from an attack and survives until after the end of the turn, this unit will heal for 30% of its max HP.

Naval Tactician

This unit cannot be sent to the reinforcements from the battlefield. This unit cannot fall asleep if there are any Water enemies on the battlefield. Whenever this unit defeats an enemy with an attack, all allies are Purified (any negative status effects like sleep, burn or poison are removed). This unit will have their TU costs reduced by 40% while this unit has 3 Charges. Quicken effects will not further reduce this unit's TU costs.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

Sword Resist Lv3

10% less damage from attacks by units equipped with Swords.

Axe Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Axes in addition to their original preferred weapon type.

Creature of the Void

Dark Dark




GreatAxe GreatAxe

+3 Infect Reality 1 TU

300% damage to 2 random enemies. This attack cannot be redirected by Guardians, and will ignore the Counter Stance Status Effect, and the effects of Skin passive skills. This attack can hit targets that have the Stealth Status Effect or a passive effect that ignores multiple target attacks. Consumes 1 charge on the user and unlocks at random either Mind Piercer or No One Is Safe. This skill becomes locked after use until the user uses another active skill. This skill is locked if the user has no Charges.

+3 Mind Piercer 50 TU

600% damage to 1 random enemy. This attack cannot be redirected by Guardians. This skill is locked until it becomes unlocked by Infect Reality. This skill is locked again after each use or if the user leaves the battlefield.

0 No One Is Safe 50 TU

300% damage to all enemies. This attack ignores the Stealth Status Effect. Heals all allies for 800% of the user's Attack. Sets both enemy and ally Spirit to 5. This skill is locked until it becomes unlocked by Infect Reality. This skill is locked again after each use or if the user leaves the battlefield.

0 Reset Reality 150 TU

The user has all Sleep immunities, Sleep Wards and Stealth Shields removed. Then, the user is healed for 100% of max HP, granted 3 Charges, and Sleep for 100TU, even if they have already slept. A random enemy is also granted Sleep for 200TU, even if they have already slept. The next time the user is awake at the end of a turn, they will be healed for 100% of max HP, and have their current TU reduced by 100. Usable only if the user has no Charges stored.

Cult of Cthulhu

Enemies damaged by an attack from this unit are Mega Poisoned for 200TU. Mega Poison will overwrite other status effects on that enemy. Mega Poison deals 20 times the damage of normal Poison and cannot be overwritten by normal Poison or Super Poison. If this unit is on 1HP at the end of a turn, it is healed for 100% max HP and Purified (negative status effects like sleep, burn or poison are removed) at the end of the turn. This unit gains 3 charges. Triggered both at the very start of the battle if this unit is on the battlefield, and when this unit enters the battlefield from reinforcements. If this unit would be defeated while it has any charges, this unit will consume 1 charge to survive with 1HP remaining instead. Certain skills are affected by and may consume charges. A unit can store up to 3 charges.

The Great Old One

Whenever an enemy enters the battlefield from reinforcements, this unit has a 20% chance, plus 20% chance per Awakening (up to 100% chance if this unit has 4 Awakenings) to immediately have its TU reduced to 0, be Purified, and be granted Sleep Immunity until the end of the turn. The first time this unit is damaged by an attack while this unit has no Charges, it will survive that attack and then enter Warped Reality for 200TU. While in Warped Reality, this unit cannot be sent to the reinforcements from the battlefield, cannot be defeated by damage, has 90% damage reduction from attacks and is a Guardian. Whenever this unit gets the turn in Warped Reality, it will lose the turn and Mega Poison all non-sleeping enemies for 200TU. Then if there is more than 1 enemy on the battlefield and no enemy is Hypnotized, this unit will hypnotize 1 random enemy on the battlefield. This unit cannot be Hypnotized while in Warped Reality. When Warped Reality ends, this unit will be sacrificed. While this unit is a Guardian, for any enemy attack that would hit 1 or 2 other allies, this unit has a 100% chance to redirect 1 hit to itself instead. This unit will not redirect skills that don't deal damage. A Hypnotized enemy will use its next turn to grant the turn to and Purify the hypnotizer (the turn will be lost as if it were sleeping), and then the hypnosis will end. Hypnosis is not a status effect and cannot be removed by Purify skills, but will be canceled if the hypnotizer is defeated or leaves the battlefield. Hypnosis will fail against Boss units.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

Axe Hunter Lv3

10% bonus to attacks against units equipped with Axes.

Greatsword Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Greatswords in addition to their original preferred weapon type.

Pure-Hearted Knight

Storm Storm




GreatSword GreatSword

+1 Discharge Strike 100 TU

Damage to 1 enemy, the user is granted a Sleep Ward. If this hits an enemy with any Discharge Counters, they will be stunned for: 300TU if they have 3 Discharge Counters 200TU if they have 2 Discharge Counters 100TU if they have 1 Discharge Counter Then, the target has 1 Discharge Counter removed. Sleep Ward prevents Sleep from being applied once, then is removed. Sleep Wards cannot stack.

-2 Instant Push Back 1 TU

Pushes 1 enemy away from the battlefield to be next in line of the enemy reinforcements. This skill can only be used if there are 1 or more enemy reinforcements left. This skill becomes locked for 100TU after use.

+2 Magical Experience 50 TU

Immediately give 1 other random ally the next turn by reducing their current TU to 0, and Purifies them (removes negative status effects like sleep, burn or poison). Active skills that grant turns cannot be used on turns given by this skill. This skill becomes locked after use until the user deals damage with an Attack. This skill cannot be used if this unit is alone on the battlefield.

-2 Rainbow Raid 100 TUTWO

600% damage to 2 enemies. This attack ignores any effects of non-boss enemies that would prevent the targets from being defeated. Locked for 300TU after the user has entered the battlefield.

Chevalier's Grace

This unit has 50% damage reduction from attacks. If this unit would be defeated by an enemy attack or a status effect while having more than 1 HP, it instead survives with 1 HP. When this unit gets the turn with less than 50% HP, this unit exchanges its current HP with the amount of HP it has currently lost. Grants all other allies the Armor status effect, and all Enemies 3 Discharge Counters. Triggered both at the very start of the battle if this unit is on the battlefield, and when this unit enters the battlefield from reinforcements. New enemies entering the battlefield will be granted 3 Discharge Counters. Armor will overwrite other status effects on those allies. Armor grants 50% damage reduction from the next attack, then the effect is removed. A unit can store a maximum of 3 Discharge Counters, and all are removed from a unit that leaves the battlefield.

Electrostatic Field

Enemies entering the battlefield have a 20% chance to be immediately stunned for 50TU, plus 20% chance per Awakening (up to 100% chance if this unit has 4 Awakenings). Whenever another ally enters the battlefield from reinforcements, they are granted the Armor status effect. This unit is granted a Sleep ward. Triggered at the very start of the battle if this unit is on the battlefield, and whenever any unit (including this unit) enters the battlefield from reinforcements.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

Staff Hunter Lv3

10% bonus to attacks against units equipped with Staffs.

Greataxe Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Greataxes in addition to their original preferred weapon type.

Princess of the Beach

Water Water




Spear Spear

+1 Stealth Blast 70 TU

50% damage to 1 enemy. 300% damage instead every second time this skill is activated while on the battlefield. The user is granted Stealth, and a Stealth Shield. This attack ignores the Counter Stance Status Effect, and the effects of Skin passive skills. Stealth will overwrite other Status effects on the user. Stealth Shields prevent the next other status effect a unit would gain while Stealthed from applying. Stealthed units ignore the next enemy attack that would damage more than 1 target. Any damage will remove stealth.

-3 Waves of Sleep 50 TUTWO

Grants 2 enemies the Sleep status effect for 200TU, even if they have already slept while on the battlefield, and the user is granted Stealth, and a Stealth Shield. This will overwrite other status effects on those units. Unlocked each time the user damages an enemy with an attack. This skill is locked again after each use or if the user leaves the battlefield. This is not considered a Combo Burst type active skill.

+1 Knockout Storm 1 TU

500% damage to 1 enemy, and then grants that enemy the Sleep status effect for 200TU, even if they have already slept while on the battlefield if they are left with below 50% of max HP. This attack ignores damage reduction effects. Sleep will overwrite other status effects on that enemy. This skill becomes locked for 50TU after use. Usable if the user has the Stealth status effect or at the cost of consuming 1 charge if the user has no stealth. This is considered a Stealth Strike type skill.

-1 Unending Nightmare 70 TU

Targets 1 enemy. If the target is sleeping, deals 600% damage, grants them the Sleep status effect for 200TU, even though they have already slept while on the battlefield, and allies gain 4 Spirit.

Cinderella's Resolve

This unit cannot be burned. This unit enters battle with Stealth, a Stealth Shield, and 3 Charges. Certain skills are affected by and may consume charges. A unit can store a maximum of 3 charges, and all charges are removed from a unit that leaves the battlefield. Each time this unit takes damage from an attack and survives until after the end of the turn, this unit will heal for 25% of its max HP. If this unit would be defeated while it has any charges, this unit will consume 1 charge to survive with 1HP remaining instead. Whenever a sleeping enemy gets the turn or this unit damages a sleeping enemy with an attack, this unit gains 1 charge.

Water Slaughter

This unit's attacks will not wake sleeping enemies. Each time this unit damages a sleeping enemy with an attack, this unit will get another turn. This effect cannot trigger again against the same target until TU advances. Effects that influence TU order may interrupt the extra turn (e.g. Stuns targeting the lowest TU target). When this unit defeats an enemy with an attack, this unit gains Stealth and a Stealth Shield.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

Fire Resist Lv3

10% less damage from attacks by Fire units.

Hammer Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Hammers in addition to their original preferred weapon type.

Almighty Lamp Spirit

Light Light




Staff Staff

+10 Golden Sandstorm 100 TUALL

50% damage to all enemies. This attack ignores the Counter Stance Status Effect, and the effects of Skin passive skills. This skill locks after use, and unlocks when this unit damages an enemy with another attack.

-1 Lamp Blast 70 TUTWO

100% damage to 2 enemies. 400% damage if the user's HP is at 75%+. This attack ignores damage reduction effects, the Counter Stance Status Effect, and the effects of Skin passive skills.

0 Instant Give Turn 1 TU

Immediately give 1 other ally the next turn by reducing their current TU to 0. This skill becomes locked for 50TU after use. Active skills that grant turns cannot be used on turns given by this skill.

0 Big Awesome Move 100 TU

800% damage to 1 enemy, and randomly grants that enemy either Stun for 200TU, Mega Poison for 200TU, or Sleep for 200TU, even if they have already slept while on the battlefield. This attack ignores enemy damage reduction effects and revenge passive skills. If Ally Spirit is at 0, allies gain 5 Spirit. If Ally Spirit is at 10, allies lose 5 Spirit. Usable if allies have 0 or 10 Spirit. Sleep and Mega Poison will overwrite other status effects on that enemy. Mega Poison deals 20 times the damage of normal Poison and cannot be overwritten by normal Poison or Super Poison.

All Powerful?

This unit has a 33% chance to: - have its TU reduced to 0 after dealing damage with an Attack (1 chance per hit). - each turn, survive any damage that would defeat it with 1HP. - ignore the incoming status effects Sleep, Poison, and Burn. - ignore incoming Stun effects. - ignore attacks that would damage exactly 2 targets. Attacks that target All allies will not be ignored. - enrage 1 random ally at the end of each turn. - weaken 1 random enemy at the end of each turn. The chance for each effect is determined independently each time they may occur. Enraged units have their Attack increased by 50% until the end of their next turn. Weakened units have their Attack reduced by 25% until the end of their next turn. These effects will overwrite any existing Weak or Enrage effects on affected units. The effect of Weakening may be diminished if the affected unit's Attack is increased by other effects and it can be overwritten by Enrage effects. Effects that influence TU order may interrupt the extra turn (e.g. Stuns targeting the lowest TU target).

Unlimited Healing

Each time this unit takes damage from an attack and survives until after the end of the turn, this unit will be Purified (any negative status effects like sleep, burn or poison are removed), and heal for 75% of its max HP. Purifies and heals all allies on the battlefield for 800% of this unit's attack when another non-conjured ally on the battlefield is defeated or sacrificed by any source.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

Dark Resist Lv3

10% less damage from attacks by Dark units.

Sword Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Swords in addition to their original preferred weapon type.

Guardian Angel on Strings

Earth Earth




Hammer Hammer

+1 Sister Strike 50 TU

100% damage to 1 enemy. 600% damage if "Frankenstein, Twin Horrors" is in the ally team, including reinforcements.

-2 Doll Harvest 100 TUTWO

600% damage to 2 enemies. This attack ignores enemy damage reduction effects. If damage is dealt, the user is granted a Power Charge, fully healed, and all ally "Frankenstein, Twin Horrors" on the battlefield are fully healed. Usable if the user is below 50% of max HP or if "Frankenstein, Twin Horrors" is among allies on the battlefield.

-3 Maximum Output 130 TUALL

Consumes a Power Charge for 600% damage to all enemies. This attack ignores the Counter Stance Status Effect, the effects of Skin passive skills, and enemy damage reduction effects. Usable only if the user has a Power Charge.

-2 Mary's Monster 0 TU

Sacrifices the user to revive the Frankenstein that conjured the user to the battlefield with full HP. Usable only if the user doesn't have "Frankenstein, Twin Horrors" in the ally team, including reinforcements. The revived Frankenstein will be considered a conjured unit.

Pulled Strings

If this unit would be defeated by an enemy attack or a status effect while having more than 1 HP, it instead survives with 1 HP. When this unit enters the battlefield: - it will immediately get the next turn by having its TU reduced to 0 if "Frankenstein, Twin Horrors" is in the ally team, including reinforcements. - this unit will become a Guardian if "Frankenstein, Twin Horrors" is not among allies on the battlefield. This effect will be lost if an ally "Frankenstein, Twin Horrors" enters the battlefield.

Mary, Unstoppable

This unit cannot be Stunned. This unit cannot fall asleep if "Frankenstein, Twin Horrors" is among allies on the battlefield. If "Frankenstein, Twin Horrors" is not among allies on the battlefield, this unit has: - Attack increased by 50%. This effect does not stack with Enrage skills. - 50% damage reduction from attacks. - TU costs for all active skills reduced by 50%. This effect does not stack with Quicken skills.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

Sleep Resist Lv3

Reduces the duration of any enemy sleep effects on this unit by 20TU.

Greatsword Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Greatswords in addition to their original preferred weapon type.

Twin Horrors

Earth Earth




Hammer Hammer

+1 Sister Strike 50 TU

100% damage to 1 enemy. 600% damage if "Mary, Guardian Angel on Strings" is in the ally team, including reinforcements.

+3 Protective Sister 50 TU

For 100TU, the user becomes a Guardian and gains 50% damage reduction from attacks. While this unit is a Guardian, for any enemy attack that would hit 1 or 2 other allies, this unit has a 100% chance to redirect 1 hit to itself instead. This unit will not redirect skills that don't deal damage. Usable if "Mary, Guardian Angel on Strings" is among allies on the battlefield.

0 Energy Infusion 1 TU

Immediately give 1 other ally "Mary, Guardian Angel on Strings" the next turn by reducing their current TU to 0, Purifies them (removes negative status effects like sleep, burn or poison), and grants them a Power Charge. This skill becomes locked for 150TU after use. Power Charges can be consumed by certain skills to activate or enhance their effects. Power Charges will be removed from a unit that leaves the battlefield. Power Charges cannot stack.

0 It's Alive! 50 TU

Adds "Mary, Guardian Angel on Strings" to the next in line of allied reinforcements. This Mary's Level, Limit Breaks, Awakenings, Boosts, Potential, Mastery, Weapon, and Accessory will match the user. Then if 4 allies are on the battlefield, the user exchanges themselves with the Mary added to allied reinforcements. Usable only if the user doesn't have "Mary, Guardian Angel on Strings" in the ally team, including reinforcements. This skill becomes locked for 100TU after use, and is usable 10 times per battle.

Pulling the Strings

If this unit would be defeated by an enemy attack or a status effect while having more than 1 HP, it instead survives with 1 HP. When this unit enters the battlefield, an ally "Mary, Guardian Angel on Strings" on the battlefield will immediately get the next turn by having its TU reduced to 0 and will be Purified.

Sister Substitute

This unit cannot fall asleep. This unit cannot be Stunned or defeated by non-attack damage if "Mary, Guardian Angel on Strings" is among allies on the battlefield. While there is a "Mary, Guardian Angel on Strings" among allies on the battlefield, if this unit would be defeated by an attack, this unit will be healed for 100% of max HP, and then the ally "Mary, Guardian Angel on Strings" will be sacrificed.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

Stun Resist Lv3

Reduces the amount of any stun effects against this unit by 20TU.

Greatsword Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Greatswords in addition to their original preferred weapon type.
King Arthur

Seaside Monarch

Storm Storm




Axe Axe

+2 Regal Barrage 130 TUTWO

100% damage to 2 enemies. 400% damage instead if the user has stealth. Heals the user for 100% of total damage dealt. This attack ignores any enemy status effects (including Stealth), damage reduction effects, revenge passive skills, and skin passive skills. This is considered a Stealth Strike type skill.

+1 King's Shield 1 TU

Heals the user fully. The user is granted a Power Charge, Stealth, a Stealth Shield, a Sleep Ward, Stun Ward, and Poison Ward. Usable only if the user has no Power Charge. Usable 5 times per battle. Stealth will overwrite other Status effects on the user. Stealth Shields prevent the next other status effect a unit would gain while Stealthed from applying. Stealthed units ignore the next enemy attack that would damage more than 1 target. Any damage will remove stealth. Each Ward prevents their named effect from being applied once, then is removed. Identical Wards cannot stack. Power Charges can be consumed by certain skills to activate or enhance their effects. Power Charges will be removed if this unit leaves the battlefield. Power Charges cannot stack.

-3 Regal Wavemaster 100 TU

600% damage to 1 enemy if they have 150TU or more in the turn order. If this damage does not defeat the target, allies gain 2 Spirit. This attack ignores enemy damage reduction effects and any effects of non-boss enemies that would prevent the target from being defeated.

-1 Regal Cornobble 70 TU

500% damage to 1 enemy and Weakens them (reduces their Attack by 25% until the end of their next turn). Heals the user fully. The user is granted Stealth. Usable only if the user has a Power Charge. This does not consume the Power Charge. Weak will overwrite any existing Weak or Enrage effects on the target and can be overwritten by Enrage effects. The effect of Weakening may be diminished if the affected unit's Attack is increased by other effects.

Absolute Monarch

Until the end of this unit's first turn while on the battlefield, this unit cannot be defeated. Afterwards, if this unit would be defeated while it has a Power Charge, it instead survives with 1 HP and then cannot be defeated until its next turn. The Power Charge will be consumed when this effect is triggered. At the end of each of this unit's turns, or when a non-conjured enemy is defeated, a random enemy with more than 50TU will be stunned for 50TU plus 50TU for each other Storm ally on the battlefield. When this unit enters the battlefield from the allied reinforcements: - Stuns 2 random enemies for 100TU. - This unit will have the TU costs for all of their skills reduced by 30%. This will overwrite the effects of other Quicken skills.

King's Dawn

This unit's Attack is increased by 50%. This unit's Active Skill TU Costs are reduced by 50%. This unit has 50% damage reduction from attacks. All of these effects are triggered when this unit begins on the battlefield at the very start of battle, and will end if this unit leaves the battlefield. This unit cannot be sent away from the battlefield during an ally turn. -This Attack increase does not stack with Enrage effects. -This will not reduce TU Costs to below 1TU. -Quicken effects will not further reduce this unit's TU costs.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

Spear Hunter Lv3

10% bonus to attacks against units equipped with Spears.

Sword Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Swords in addition to their original preferred weapon type.

Oni Slayer

Water Water




Katana Katana

+1 Lone Wolf 50 TU

200% damage to 1 enemy, plus 200% for each time this unit has defeated an enemy with an attack or Absolute Zero while on the battlefield (max of 1000% total damage after defeating 4 enemies). This attack ignores enemy damage reduction effects.

-2 Glacial Slash 70 TU

600% damage to 1 enemy. Damage from this attack does not wake up sleeping enemies. Usable 10 times per battle.

0 Absolute Zero 70 TU

Immediately defeats 1 non-boss enemy that has 10% or less of max HP, the user is considered to have defeated the target with an attack if successful. This effect ignores Revenge passive skills, Revival passive skills, any passive skills or effects of active skills that would prevent the target from being defeated, and cannot be redirected by Guardians.

+4 Dual Heaven Style 1 TU

The user is granted a Sleep Ward, Stun Ward, Poison Ward, will enter Dual Heaven Stance for 200TU and Endure the next damage that would defeat it with 1HP. While in Dual Heaven Stance, this unit heals for 50% of max HP at the end of each turn, and this unit's Attack is increased by 50%. This attack increase does not stack with Enrage effects. This skill becomes locked for 200TU after use. Usable if this unit has not defeated any units with attacks or Absolute Zero while on the battlefield. Each Ward prevents their named effect from being applied once, then is removed. Identical Wards and Endure effects cannot stack.

No Mercy

Heals the user for 100% of total damage dealt. Each time this unit damages an enemy with an attack and leaves them on or below 25% of max HP (even if they are defeated by the attack), this unit will get another turn. The extra turn is granted after Counter Skin type effects triggered by this unit's attacks, and so this unit will act before a countering enemy. -This effect cannot trigger again against the same target until TU advances. -Effects that influence TU order may interrupt the extra turn (e.g. Stuns targeting the lowest TU target).

Glacial Winds

This unit cannot be sent to the reinforcements from the battlefield. Each time this unit defeats a non-conjured enemy with an attack or Absolute Zero, this unit cannot be defeated by damage for the next 100TU, and gains Sleep and Poison Wards. After this unit's first turn on the battlefield, 1 random enemy Guardian on the battlefield will be sent to next in line of enemy reinforcements. This will fail if there are no enemy reinforcements, or if the target is immovable.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

G.sword Hunter Lv3

10% bonus to attacks against units equipped with Greatswords.

Spear Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Spears in addition to their original preferred weapon type.
Lü Bu

Master of Treachery

Fire Fire




Spear Spear

+1 Dragonfire Dance 100 TU

100% damage to 1 enemy. 300% damage instead and this unit will immediately get the next turn if this was not the last attack used by this unit while on the battlefield. This attack ignores skin passive skills and the Counter Stance status effect. Heatwave is not considered an attack.

0 Heatwave 1 TU

The user is granted the Burn status effect and is fully healed. Each other unit on the battlefield has a 50% chance of being burned and then stunned for 100TU. Burn will overwrite other status effects on affected units. Then allies gain Spirit equal to the number of burning allies on the battlefield. Usable if the user is not burning or if allies have 1 or less Spirit. Any unit that deals damage to or is dealt damage by a unit with burn will also become burned.

-2 Hellfire 70 TU

400% damage to 1 enemy, 600% damage if the target has 100TU or more. This attack ignores enemy damage reduction effects. Usable if the user has the Burn status effect.

-3 Scorched Earth 70 TUTWO

500% damage to 2 enemies. This attack ignores enemy damage reduction effects and any effects of non-boss enemies that would prevent the targets from being defeated. Locked for 200TU after the user has entered the battlefield, and locks again for 200TU after each use.

Flames of War

This unit cannot be defeated by damage from Burn status effects. This unit is not affected by stun effects. Whenever this unit enters the battlefield, whether at the start of battle or from reinforcements, it will Endure the next damage that would defeat it with 1HP. Endure effects cannot stack. While this unit has the Burn status effect, this unit has: - Attack increased by 50%. This effect does not stack with Enrage skills. - TU costs for all active skills reduced by 40%. This effect does not stack with Quicken skills. - 50% damage reduction from attacks.

Fuel to the Fire

This unit and all enemies are granted the Burn status effect, then all burning non-Water enemies are stunned for 100TU. Triggered when this unit enters the battlefield from reinforcements. Whenever this unit defeats a non-conjured unit on the battlefield with an attack, this unit gains Endure, a Poison Ward and becomes fully healed. Poison Ward prevents Poison from being applied once, then is removed. Poison Wards cannot stack.

Attack Up Lv3

Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.

HP Up Lv3

Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.

Sword Hunter Lv3

10% bonus to attacks against units equipped with Swords.

Greatsword Mastery

Can use weapon skills of Greatswords in addition to their original preferred weapon type.
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