[9/5/2024] New Character!

Cthulhu - Creature of the Void
My name is R'lyeh. Starting today, I will be your personal attendant. I'll do my best to make your everyday life easier. As for fighting, I can only use a little magic... But if it comes to the worst, I can ask Mr. Monster for help.

POWER: 7,972,978 HP: 255,444 Attack: 60,187 Speed: 354 Level: 200 Boost: 300 Potential: 100% Mastery: 40/40
Leader Skill: Allied Dark element units have their Attack increased by 15%.
Active Skills:
  • +3 Infect Reality 1 TU
  • +3 Mind Piercer 50 TU
  • 0 No One Is Safe 50 TU
  • 0 Reset Reality 150 TU
Passive Skills:
  • Cult of Cthulhu
  • The Great Old One
  • Attack Up Lv3
  • HP Up Lv3
  • Axe Hunter Lv3
  • Greatsword Mastery
[9/5/2024] New Weapon!

Oblivion's Edge
There once was a cowardly king who sought supernatural power in order to establish his authority—and so, he obtained this unearthly axe. The king became a tyrant, executing countless people indiscriminately as he spiraled deeper and deeper into madness; and ultimately, the last head to fall to the axe was his own.

POWER: 1,009,164 HP: 85,884 Attack: 16,462 Level: 200 Boost: 300 Potential: 100%
Weapon Skill: 25% bonus to attacks against units that have a current TU of 50 or less.
[9/4/2024] New Accessory!

Lugrasse's Star
The distinction awarded by the first empress of Lugrasse to a group of knights from the kingdom across the sea. It is a token of her gratitude for saving the world, as well as an apology for involving them in a crisis of her own making.

POWER: 129,480 HP: 12,360 Attack: 1,718 Speed: 21
[8/15/2024] New Character!

Unicorn - Pure-Hearted Knight
I am Unicorn. I'm a wandering knight looking for my true master. Maybe it's you? You have a very pure heart. Hm? I'm "standing a bit close"? I get that a lot... Please get used to it.

POWER: 7,972,920 HP: 272,750 Attack: 56,726 Speed: 501 Level: 200 Boost: 300 Potential: 100% Mastery: 40/40
Leader Skill: Allied Storm element units have their max HP increased by 10%.
Active Skills:
  • +1 Discharge Strike 100 TU
  • -2 Instant Push Back 1 TU
  • +2 Magical Experience 50 TU
  • -2 Rainbow Raid 100 TUTWO
Passive Skills:
  • Chevalier's Grace
  • Electrostatic Field
  • HP Up Lv3
  • Attack Up Lv3
  • Staff Hunter Lv3
  • Greataxe Mastery
[8/15/2024] New Weapon!

A weapon developed in distant future, after a century-long interstellar war. With its own nuclear power source, this blade was designed to eliminate not people or other weapons, but the concept of war itself.

POWER: 1,009,158 HP: 89,644 Attack: 15,710 Level: 200 Boost: 300 Potential: 100%
Weapon Skill: 35% bonus to attacks if all enemies have 100+ TU.
[8/8/2024] New Character!

Cinderella - Princess of the Beach
Excellent timing. You're the first person I wanted to show my new swimsuit to. Well? Are you going to stand there and gape all day? You've been blessed with the view of me, set off by the clear blue sea. Don't you have anything to say?

POWER: 7,972,978 HP: 278,425 Attack: 55,591 Speed: 377 Level: 200 Boost: 300 Potential: 100% Mastery: 40/40
Leader Skill: Allied Water element units have their Attack increased by 15%.
Active Skills:
  • +1 Stealth Blast 70 TU
  • -3 Waves of Sleep 50 TUTWO
  • +1 Knockout Storm 1 TU
  • -1 Unending Nightmare 70 TU
Passive Skills:
  • Cinderella's Resolve
  • Water Slaughter
  • Attack Up Lv3
  • HP Up Lv3
  • Fire Resist Lv3
  • Hammer Mastery
[8/8/2024] New Weapon!

One of the rivers flowing through the underworld, with a mighty demon sealed beneath its waters. As it endures endless torment and humiliation, it awaits a chance to exact its revenge—with this cursed spear in its hands.

POWER: 1,009,140 HP: 93,175 Attack: 15,004 Level: 200 Boost: 300 Potential: 100%
Weapon Skill: 20% reduction to TU costs if the enemy has 1 or more sleeping units.
[8/1/2024] New Character!

Genie - Almighty Lamp Spirit
Here comes Geeenieee∼ Whoa, hold up, this isn't how I'm usually summoned! Like, how'd you do it without my lamp??? Eh, nevermind. So, like, this is where I grant your wishes! Say whaaaat? Meeting me was your wish??? Awww, stop it... Oh-em-gee, you're making me blush... Anyways, it's totally cool to meet ya!

POWER: 7,972,963 HP: 319,279 Attack: 47,420 Speed: 151 Level: 200 Boost: 300 Potential: 100% Mastery: 40/40
Leader Skill: Allied Light element units have their Attack increased by 15%.
Active Skills:
  • +10 Golden Sandstorm 100 TUALL
  • -1 Lamp Blast 70 TUTWO
  • 0 Instant Give Turn 1 TU
  • 0 Big Awesome Move 100 TU
Passive Skills:
  • All Powerful?
  • Unlimited Healing
  • HP Up Lv3
  • Attack Up Lv3
  • Dark Resist Lv3
  • Sword Mastery
[7/25/2024] New Character!

Frankenstein - Twin Horrors
I'm Mary, and this is my sister Fran. Thanks for calling us here, but you see, we— —Ah-ah-ah, Mary, not another word∼ My sister's memories are a bit jumbled. You'll help me fix her, won't you?♪

POWER: 7,972,978 HP: 347,224 Attack: 41,831 Speed: 404 Level: 200 Boost: 300 Potential: 100% Mastery: 40/40
Leader Skill: Allied Earth element units have their Attack increased by 15%.
Active Skills:
  • +1 Sister Strike 50 TU
  • +3 Protective Sister 50 TU
  • 0 Energy Infusion 1 TU
  • 0 It's Alive! 50 TU
Passive Skills:
  • Pulling the Strings
  • Sister Substitute
  • Attack Up Lv3
  • HP Up Lv3
  • Stun Resist Lv3
  • Greatsword Mastery
[7/25/2024] New Weapon!

Wrath of Arges
A hammer capable of harnessing the power of lightning, originally made by Frankenstein for self-defense. Even though its destructive capabilities surpass those of an entire army, she abandoned it because it "wasn't pretty enough".

POWER: 1,009,158 HP: 100,239 Attack: 13,591 Level: 200 Boost: 300 Potential: 100%
Weapon Skill: Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 25% if this unit has defeated 2+ units with attacks while on the battlefield.

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